Prepare for life at LFA

13 September 2021

Are you joining LFA this September on either our BA (Hons) Filmmaking, MA Screenwriting, MA Filmmaking or Filmmaking Diploma course? This one’s for you!   

Getting ready for university life can feel, for some, monumental and totally overwhelming when you’ve got so little time and so much to do. If those minute hands are passing you by and your “must start a list” procrastination is through the roof, take a moment to breathe because we’ve got you covered!  
Let’s start with the basics, and anything from there is a bonus!  
Without further ado, here’s our five basic steps to get you started...  

Find a bed to rest your head. 
As Dorothy once said, “there’s no place like home”.  
We can assist you through our partnership with David Game College Student Residences and we have a list of handy recommendations here that we think will meet your needs and are competitively priced, too – score!  

Grab the map and compass, stat!  
If navigation isn’t your strong suit (Duke of Edinburgh Award goers, move over) we’d recommend you get the pleasantries out the way and fully BFF the tube map. It will guide you through navigating city life (and to the LFA, most importantly) the same way your actual Best Friend Forever would.  


Yoho! Yoho! A filmmakers’ life for me.  
Excitement, anticipation, enjoyment… exhaustion! With so many emotions whizzing around your brain, make sure you have the energy to experience them all by staying hydrated! We’d recommend for you to invest in a water bottle or a travel mug, for a steaming hot cup of joe, to get you through your first week with the clapperboard!   

Image credits (c) James Toose

Avoid a quarrel with the British weather. 
Daahhhn in blighty we're knahn for our days of Pleasure and Pain so daan't forget ter brin' your Auntie Ella or Nanny Goat! 
(Translation: “In England we're known for our days of rain so don't forget to bring your umbrella or coat!”)  
You’ll thank us for those days on location!  

Image credits (c) Jared Rice

Practice the “ZEN”.   
When life on set gives you lemons, make lemona… find a way to consider a new perspective. Change that mindset! Things may not always be plain sailing, but meditative or mindfulness exercises may help you reset. There are lots of brilliant resources only a fingertip away, including: Calm, Headspace and Aura. We also offer our very own wellbeing resources to ensure you have a moment of peace to offer you clarity when life on-set is all consuming! 

If you need further advice, we program a selection of Open Houses throughout the year, be sure to regularly check the Events page for upcoming listings. Our friendly Admissions Team is also always on hand to offer you help and guidance as you prepare for student life here at LFA. Contact them on:  
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7386 7711 


Skype: admissions.londonfilmacademy   

WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7493 890 182 

Zoom: get in touch to schedule an appointment  

What I loved about the LFA is that you actually wrote back. I had a lot of questions, I wrote a lot of emails, and you responded every single time, which many of the others didn’t. I had a Zoom call, which is something that none of the other schools offered.

Lodric, BA (Hons) Filmmaking Applicant

Want to get to know our hot spots in the local area before you join us in September? We’ve handpicked our must-visit locations that are here waiting for you to discover.  


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